Diversity Resources


Word DIVERSITY made of chemical elements

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry DEIR Committee Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect

An accessible and DEIR-centered education is a key tenant of a free society. We seek to provide means to success and remove barriers to access so each individual can reach their ultimate professional potential. Our students will be faced with solving current and future challenges, and they will need to draw from the wisdom and knowledge of a global ecosystem to solve problems in new ways. Our success as a department relies on our ability to welcome, engage, and respect the perspectives of all our students, staff, and faculty. We invite and encourage all willing individuals to join us in the pursuit of scientific solutions to the important problems we face. As educators and leaders in our professional disciplines, we have a responsibility to foster an environment that drives necessary and positive changes.

DEIR Resources

UCCS Campus Resources:

You are welcome here!

UCCS supports the following offices and programs to help students from all backgrounds navigate college:

Support for particular student groups:

Professional Resources:

American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Society for Chemistry (RSC):

Affinity groups:

  • AISES – American Indian Science and Engineering Society
  • NOBCChE – National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
  • SACNAS – Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

UCCS Campus Resources:

General DEIR resources:

Funding for professional development:


Professional Resources:

American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Society for Chemistry (RSC):

UCCS Campus Resources:

Teaching resources:

DEIR training:

  • Matrix Center and Knapsack Institute – A wide range of extra-curricular programming, workshops, film series, visiting speakers, student scholarships, and community outreach programming

Supporting students:

  • CARE Team – The CARE team assesses and responds to reported concerns or disruptions, creates access to resources for students to maintain their safety, health, and well-being, and evaluates whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others
  • Student Support Network – Submit alerts about an individual student’s attendance, low scores, missing assignments, and more. A member of the support team will get into contact with the student.
  • Request a meeting with Assistant Director of Excel Science Center – Discuss options for how to support students who are struggling in your courses

Professional Resources:

Practical Pedagogical Tools:

  • Journal of Chemical Education – Peer-reviewed articles as a resource to those in the field of chemical education, including classroom activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies
  • Merlot – Tens of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials and learning exercises

American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Society for Chemistry (RSC):

General DEIR Resources for Teaching:

UCCS Campus Resources:

Information about DEIR in research:

Funding resources:

Professional Resources:

American Chemical Society (ACS):

Funding opportunities:

Any member of our department community is welcome to contact any member of the Chemistry and Biochemistry DEIR Committee (below) if there is a DEIR issue you would like to discuss. We are here for you as a resource.

DEIR Committee

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect committee is comprised of faculty, staff, and graduate students in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. We encourage input from the UCCS Chemistry and Biochemistry community. You can email us with any comments, questions, or concerns.