Chemistry Undergraduate Lower-Division Courses
Preparatory course for the CHEM 1401-1411/1511 General Chemistry sequence. The course emphasizes development of the necessary vocabulary and skill sets for students to transition into a successful General Chemistry experience. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirements.
- 3 Credits
Optional laboratory course to accompany CHEM 1001. An introduction to chemistry laboratory techniques. Students taking this as an online course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. Coreq., CHEM 1001.
- 1 Credit
A brief introduction to chemical principles and study of their application to biochemical materials and processes, consumer chemistry, energy problems, air and water pollution, and toxic chemicals. This course may be taken with or without the lab course CHEM 1102. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World and Sustainability requirements. GT-SC2.
- 3 Credits
Optional laboratory course designed to complement CHEM 1101. Experiments have been chosen that illustrate the principles discussed in the lecture. Students in this online course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1101.
- 1 Credit
Introduction to atomic molecular structure and to biological structure and function. Environmental contaminants in air and their reactions, water quality and its analysis, wastewater treatment, the ecology of natural systems and genetic adaptation. The course deals with worldwide environmental issues in a scientific context. This course may be taken with or without the lab course CHEM 1112. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Global Awareness, and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World and Sustainability requirements. GT-SC2.
- 3 Credits
Optional laboratory course designed to complement CHEM 1111. Students in this online course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1111.
- 1 Credit
Introduction to forensic science and crime scene investigation using scientific application. Topics include glass and soil samples, hair, fibers, paint, fingerprints, DNA evidence, etc. This course may be taken with or without the lab course CHEM 1122. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirements. GT-SC2.
- 3 Credits
Optional laboratory course designed to complement CHEM 1121 with an emphasis on evidence handling and processing. Polymer identification, ink processing and identification, fiber, hair, arson, fingerprints and bloodstain processing, etc. Students in this online course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1121.
- 1 Credit
This is a first-semester course in chemistry with an emphasis on principles and practical applications. The course covers measurement, matter, atoms, bonding, energy, phases of matter, acid-base and redox reactions, solutions, equilibria, electrolytes, and inorganic and nuclear reactions. Students who have not taken algebra in high school or college should take an algebra course before taking CHEM 1201. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World and Sustainability requirements. GT-SC1. Prer., one year of high school algebra.
- 4 Credits
This is the second part of a one year course and should be taken after completion of CHEM 1201. The course includes a survey of organic functional groups and biochemical reactions. A large emphasis is placed on structure and function of organic and biomolecules. Students who are required to take CHEM 1401-1411/1511 should not take CHEM 1211. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World and Sustainability requirements. GT-SC1. Prer., CHEM 1201 or CHEM 1401/1402 with a grade of "C" or higher.
- 4 Credits
An accelerated one-semester course for nursing majors who are classified as Nursing Prep. Topics to be covered include measurement, matter, atoms, bonding, energy, phases of matter, acids and bases, reactions, solutions, equilibria and nuclear chemistry. The course also includes a survey of organic functional groups and biochemical reactions. Emphasis is placed on the structure and function of organic compounds and biomolecules. Approved for the Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirement. Prer., high school algebra and chemistry, and consent of instructor.
- 5 Credits
A first college-level chemistry course for students with adequate high school chemistry and math. Emphasis on the structure and composition of matter: elements and compounds, atoms and molecules, and states of matter including solutions. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirements. It is strongly recommended that students have one year of high school chemistry and two years of high school math, or complete CHEM 1001 (Pre-chemistry), before attempting CHEM 1401. GT-SC2. Coreq., CHEM 1402.
- 4 Credits
Lab section to accompany CHEM 1401. An introduction to qualitative laboratory techniques, including spectroscopy, titrations, calorimetry, and chromatography. Students taking an online section of this course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1401.
- 1 Credit
This is the second course of the General Chemistry sequence. Emphasis is on acid-base and solution chemistry, equilibria, kinetics, redox chemistry, transition metal chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and organic chemistry. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirements. GT-SC2. Prer., CHEM 1401 and CHEM 1402 with grades of "C" or higher. Coreq., CHEM 1412.
- 4 Credits
Lab section to accompany CHEM 1411. Further studies in qualitative and quantitative laboratory techniques, including spectroscopy, titrations, electrochemistry, and organic synthesis. Students taking an online section of this course will need to purchase a laboratory kit online. See the instructions in the syllabus once the course is made available. International students: Because of potential challenges with shipping lab kits internationally, we do not recommend taking this course while in a foreign country. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1411.
- 1 Credit
This is the second course of the General Chemistry sequence. It is designed for Chemistry and Biochemistry majors. Emphasis is on acid-base and solution chemistry, equilibria, kinetics, redox chemistry, transition metal chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and organic chemistry. Students will prepare written projects and give oral presentations in addition to the standard CHEM 1411 coursework. Approved for the LAS Natural Science and Compass Curriculum: Explore–Physical and Natural World requirements; Writing Intensive. GT-SC1. Prer., CHEM 1401 and CHEM 1402 with grades of "B" or higher. Coreq., CHEM 1513.
- 4 Credits
Lab section to accompany CHEM 1511. Further studies in qualitative, quantitative, and synthetic laboratory techniques, including spectroscopy, titrations, calorimetry, and chromatography. Students will perform more advanced laboratory techniques and prepare written projects and give oral presentations in addition to the standard CHEM 1412 coursework. Approved for the LAS Natural Science laboratory requirement and Compass Curriculum: Writing Intensive requirement. GT-SC1. Coreq., CHEM 1511.
- 1 Credit
This course will teach students to write scientifically, with emphasis on laboratory reports, journal articles, and literature reviews. Students will learn to interpret and present scientific data in a professional format in keeping with current literature. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive. Prer., CHEM 1511 and CHEM 1513 with grades of “C” or higher.
- 1 Credit
The goals of this course will be to review key concepts and theorems from General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry that are directly related to Biochemistry. Additionally, we will learn the 20 naturally occurring amino acids, organic reactions in the body, and how to read primary literature. Prer., CHEM 3101 or CHEM 3201 with a grade of "C" or better.
- 3 Credits
Open to qualified freshman and sophomore students by arrangement with a faculty member. Students will plan a project with the faculty member prior to registering for the course. A written report must be submitted at the end of the semester summarizing the research results. Students may take CHEM 2904 under only one faculty member in a given semester. Consent of instructor required.
- 1 to 2 Credits